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Simon Scheuerle

2602 Canberra

category: Sculpture
technique: Mixture of materials

Simon is an artist. He creates objects, installations, photographs, drawings, paintings and videos. Simon uses a wide variety of everyday materials and various sculptural techniques to produce his objects and installations. He takes photographs on the street of random detritus, and in his studio of toys and props. He draws pictures in pencil and ink and paints with acrylics. He films everything.
Practicing a form of aesthetic strong-arming, Simon engages the viewer through spectacle and intense materiality. His art is hilarious, disastrous and indulgent
Simon lives in Canberra with his partner Jane, and two dogs.

Bio / Resumee / Statement:
Curriculum Vittae

. Bachelor of Visual Arts, Honours (1st class), The Australian National University (ANU) School of Art, Canberra, ACT, 2005
. �A� level art, �A� level Sports Studies, Harlow Tertiary College, Harlow, Essex, England, 1985-87.
. Burnt Mill Comprehensive School, Harlow, Essex, England 1980-85

. Untilted Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, ACT, 2007
. Oops Winter The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2006

. The Frantic and Portentous Beating of the Wings of the Death Angels Simon Scheuerle and Sarah Firth, The Front Gallery, Lynham, ACT, 2008

. Artitechs The Foyer Gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2009
. Intersection of Collections-Lisa Paulson and Peter Fay Mosman, NSW, 2008
. Domain Temporary Public Art Project- ClownWatch, 16 day performance, Canberra City West, ACT, 2008
. Vagabondage Skateboard Art The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2008
. The Country Show The Foyer Gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2008
. Collective Cacophony III The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2008
. Bloodlines: Art and the Horse (touring until 2009)
Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, Vic, 2008
Dubbo Regional Gallery, NSW 2008
Muswellbrook Regional Gallery, NSW 2008
Tamworth Regional Gallery, NSW 2008
Albury Regional Gallery, NSW, 2008
Hawkesbury Regional Gallery, NSW, 2007
. Best in Show Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, ACT, 2007
. Collective Cacophony II The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2007
. Collective Cacophony The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2007
. Blaze Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Gorman House, ACT, 2006-7
. Domain Temporary Public Art Project, Canberra City West, ACT, 2006.
. Someone Shows Something to Somebody Canberra Contemporary Art Space, A.C.T, 2006
. It�s painting so it must be German Silvershot Gallery, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, VIC, 2006
. Verandah Art Rant Mount Majura Vineyard, ACT, 2006
. Tac The Foyer gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2006
. CCAS Self-portrait Prize Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, ACT, 2006
. The Moth and Butterfly Symposium ANU School of Art Gallery, ACT, 2006
. Mount Majura Vineyard Show Mount Majura Vineyard, ACT, 2006
. The Graduate Show 2005 ANU School of Art Gallery, ACT, 2005
. The School of Art Drawing Prize Foyer gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2005
. Broadcast Garema Place, ACT, 2005
. Artcore M16 Galley, Canberra ACT, 2005
. Wet River, Dry Lake Wentworth, NSW, 2005
. Deep Purple Manning Clarke House, ACT, 2005
. Toytakeova-
Yarra Sculpture Galley, Melbourne, VIC, 2005
Space 3, Surrey Hills, NSW, 2005
The Whitehouse Gallery, Brisbane, QLD, 2005
. Popcorn Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, ACT, 2005
. Three by Three The Foyer Gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2005
. Superspective Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, ACT, 2005
. Extrapolate CSIRO Discovery Centre, ACT, 2005
. The Collectables Show Photospace Gallery, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2005
. The Murrumbidgee Landcare Forum The Connection, Tumut, NSW, 2003
. A Factor of Ten ANU School of Art Gallery, ACT, 2002

Awards and Residencies
. Artist in residence, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Gorman House, ACT, 2006
. EASS Exhibition Award, The Front Gallery, Lyneham, ACT, 2005

Professional experience
. Lecturer, Image and Object, Core Studies Dept. (Foundation), The Australia National University, School of Art, ACT, 2009
. Exhibitions Installation, The National Gallery of Australia, ACT, 2008- ongoing
. Lecturer, Sculpture Department, The Australian National University, School of Art, ACT, 2008
. Lecturer, Space and Materials, Core Studies Dept. (Foundation), The Australia National University, School of Art, ACT, 2007-2008
. Lecturer, Winter School, The Australian National University, School of Art, ACT, 2006
. Technical Officer, Core Studies Department, ANU School of Art, ACT, 2006-07
. Installations/ Technical Officer, The Australian National University, School of Art Gallery, ACT, 2004-ongoing
. Technical Officer, The Australian National University, School of Art, Visual Arts Access, 2004-6
. Board Member, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Gorman House, ACT, 2004-5
. Artists� Assistant for Ante Dabro, Sculptor, A.C.T. 2006
. Dadang Christanto�s performance- Witness Participating Performer, ANU, ACT, 2005
. Artists� Assistant for Dadang Christanto, International Sculpture Park, The Australian National University, ACT, 2005
. Artists� Assistant for Anne Rochette, The Australian National University, Sculpture Department, 2002

. Domain- Temporary Public Art Project Canberra City West, A.C.T, 2008
. Bloodlines: Art and the Horse Hawkesbury Regional Gallery, NSW, 2007
. Domain- Temporary Public Art Project Canberra City West, A.C.T, 2006
. A Factor of Ten ANU School of Art Gallery, 2002
. Various Private Commissions

Publications and Public Broadcasts
. Sunday Arts, ABC Television, 7/10/07
. The Canberra Times, Sept 2007
. The Program, Triple J Arts, online and radio broadcast, featured artist, March 2007.
. Eyeline No. 61: Spring 2006, Review, Solo Show �Oops Winter�

Selected Theatrical experience
. �The Eisteddfod� The Street Theatre, ACT, 2008- set design, costume design, prop design
. � The Magic Flute� The Arts Centre, ANU, ACT, 2007- props and costume props construction
. �Arcadia� Theatre 3, ANU, ACT, 2006- prop construction
. �The Breakfast Club� Erindale Theatre, ACT 2005- props and set design
. �The Early Opener� Short Film, Darlinghurst and Bondi, Sydney, NSW, 1999- props, puppetry, prosthetics, dental prosthetics, performance
. �Sideshow� 3 night opening performance for new exhibit, Questacon, A.C.T., 1999- costumes, props, puppets, performance
. �Floriade� Splinters Productions, A.C.T., 1996- performer
. �Faust� Splinters Productions, The Great Hall, ANU, A.C.T., 1996- Actor
. �Autogeddon� Splinters Productions, City West Car Park, 1996- lighting
. �Utopia/Dystopia� Splinters Productions, Epicentre, Byron Bay, NSW, 1995- Actor, contributing writer, set construction
. �Oliver� Albury Theatre, Drury Lane, London W1, 1976- Chorus member & lead understudy


Cartoon Violence
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God is dead clever.

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Not Hilarious
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Digital photograph
40 x 50 cm
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Digital photograph
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Digital photograph
50 x 40 cm
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