
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Acryl
Stil: Expressionismus

"First there is the world, then comes the information about it. You understand the world by providing it with information. Science and technology, society and politics no longer function according to postulates according to rules and heuristics that have proven themselves in the physical world and proven to be truthful." (Florian Weyh)
"Information cannot only be what we 'learn' about the world. It can be what the world 'does'." (Physicist John Archibald Wheeler)

Aren't privacy, individuality and similar achievements quasi-religious dogmas that are led to absurdity by technical reality?
Thus, each person should contribute only one bit of new information in his whole life. Everything else is redundancies. We are just composite fragments in an infinite variety of possibilities of information. Degree therefore in the dark. But who are we then and what makes us who we are? What is the self and what is the other? How can an image background be different from the unclear and a person only a silhouette-like apparition?

Painting is courage. With in front of oneself and the world. Painting creates freedom. Painting questioned.
Painting without purposeful expectation mobilizes intuition. It reflects the inside to the outside. "The Blink of Truth" (Rousseau) creates images in the energy flow of colors and shapes of their own dynamics, beyond space and time. A dialogue between work and creation.

Vita / Lebenslauf:
Already in childhood I began to experiment with artistic techniques; fabric painting, watercolors, ink. Over the years, further training followed as an autodidact through various art courses. Role models are Gerhard Richter, Schmidt-Rottluff and Street/Urban Art.

My abstract images are an expression of my engagement with modern life - in both positive and negative terms. References to the critical issues of today are always examined in more detail. Art is perception, emotion and therefore always political. Therefore, it is important that I work abstractly or in abstract expressionism.

Guided by intuition and impressions in the above sense, these are visualized by means of mixed techniques to the background on the canvas. Improvisation is an access to these personal information. Figurative elements are in contrast to this. They almost always question the complexity and inaccuracy of the environment. And thus himself; Origin, being and becoming. This creates a dynamic of its own, which should encourage you to discover personal elements and thoughts.
The aim is to create a work that absorbs the viewer and perhaps leads him to a dialogue.

From the self-understanding that an individual only has real access to his view of information without ultimately being able to decipher it himself, it is nearly impossible to speak for another human. Be a man, consequently a central theme for me is the man as the protagonist of modern life. Pain, desire, love, mortality and the mystery of being human and a man.

Werkgruppe: abstrakt
70 x 50 x 2 cm
Preis: 190 Euro
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Werkgruppe: abstrakt
70 x 50 x 2 cm
Preis: 190 Euro
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