
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Finnland (Suomi)

Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Surrealismus

Vita / Lebenslauf:
In 1996 we started to work under the project \\\"Ready to admit\\\". The purpose of the project was to create a synthesis between painting, music, meditation, dance,spontaneity consciousness opening, which aim to spiritual enlightenment and improvement of humankind condition.The works were made in oil on canvas technique.It was the images with mandal elements, which were picked up spontaniously through the process of meditation. In1997 with the developing of the project the forms of consolidations with flourishing Goa-trance culture were found. Our group started to use in paintings also a fluorescent colours technique. The project \\\"Evolution inside\\\" appeared.
The gatherings wich had the tang of spirituality and aimed for conciousness opening were organized. There were music,spontaneous dancing and paintings exibition.
The artworks from ``Evolution inside\\\" were also used as a part of designs on the Goa Trance events in Finland,Russia,Estonia,Ukraine.

In 2004 our group stoped to use fluorescent technique in paintings,got a lot of new ideas.Project \\\"Evolution inside\\\" regenerated into a project \\\"Sense of...\\\" in wich the research of human conciousness and reality continued. And also the possibility for the art to be a powerfull tool for making influences on human psychology for the purposes of finding global problems solution through solving of inner psychological problems were considered.
In autumn 2005 the catalogue \\\"Sense of...\\\" ,that were later placed into the library of Hamburger Bahnhof museum, been published.
Also in autumn 2005 the new period has started. The research is continueing. Everything that has been before turned into the form of new project \\\"Meeting inner light\\\". (In spring 2008 two paintings from that project:\\\"Dreaming child with Teddy-bear\\\" and \\\"Endless Waiting\\\" were exibited in taidemaalariliiton teosvälitys in Helsinki,Kaapelitedas .
As a parallel with the research in art a research of different schools of psychology:K.Jung,Perls,Assadgioli,S.Grof tranpersonal psychology,holotropic breathwork ,
articles of Esko Rintala take place. The research of a bases of human behavior is reflected the artworks.The connection is found between everydaylifes behavior of human being and biological birth process experience with its subsequent reflection in biographical karma and different psychological disorders as depression,agression,fobia, fysical and psychological unsatisfaction, wich manifistate more or less in different individuals. And also this reflects in all human culture and history:wars,social and state structures,art,music,relationships,things that we call evil. By means of solution of psychological problems comes a solution for the global problems such as wars,hunger,eco-destruction. Because psychological problems appear in the form of hypnotic influence of incomplete gestalt over our mind and
behavior. In a birth process after inneruterine paradise embryo expiriences the significant uncomfortable changes accompained by alteration in the chemical composition and by contructions,wich create feeling of danger,desperation,pressure,life threatening situation and agony.And when the head comes out the time stops and feeling of falling into an abyss appear and dazzling bright light. The first breath is an ecstasy,the happiness of victory. All those aspects of birth subconciously work in our everyday life and manifistate in suitible situations like stress on work,crowded elevator or metro,problems in family. So there is a subconcious need to experience it again.But if we do not understand what is going on with us , that we have to experience it again only on a psychological level , then it comes out from the innerspace into the outside world and the evil and madness appear: thirst for consumption,for gold,for selfallege,competition,fobia in front of unknown people. And this is normal in our society.The global problems emerge:industrial and waste increase,destruction of forests,global eco-catastrophe is on its way, wars and occupations of wich the whole history of humankind consists. How we going to stop it? The project \\\"Meeting inner light \\\" is dedicated to death -rebirth expirience. Psychological rebirth experience gives freedom from hypnotic influence of incomplite gestalt,it gives an oportunity to meet inner light. The project reflects synthesis of an art,psychology, eastern philosofies and practics,as there is a visible synthesis between work of S.Grof,Rerich,Blavatski,J.Krishnamurti,K.Jung,Assadgioli,\\\"The tibetian book of the dead\\\",shamanism,sufism,ancient rituals of initiations of Egyptians and Incas,yoga,eastern religions and Christianity. In a root of psychological freedom there is a karmas work out ,that also known as a complited gestalt.
In artworks also shown a theme of tranpersonal psychology, that in eastern religions is called reincarnation. Traumatic moments from previous reincarnations can be also painfully reflected in a present moment of life, because it s also require to be worked out on a psychological level. Initiation is situated on the central place in ancient Mysteries,early Christianity,ancient and eastern religions. In yoga teacher opens kundalini of a student and it s called shaktipat. It is going through transpersonal experience,wich alters into going through experience of humankind,life dawning,dawning of the universe,experiencing the light .
This is what is called Buddha or Christ experience.
Unconscious becomes fully awared. And that is called enlightment

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
1996-2003. Design for Electronic music events in Finland, Russia and Estonia.

2008.\\\\\\\"Teosvältys\\\\\\\", Helsinki,Finland
2008.\\\\\\\"Meeting inner light\\\\\\\" In STOA Helsinki finland. Painting exhibition with dance perfomances.
2009.\\\\\\\"Teosvälitys\\\\\\\" Helsinki, Finland
2010.\\\\\\\"Teosvälitys\\\\\\\" Helsinki, Finland

Second wind
2 x 152 x 198 cm
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Snail people
2 x 190 x 194 cm
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Coming of golden era
2 x 169 x 200 cm
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Loving memory of you
2 x 179 x 210 cm
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2 x 199 x 205 cm
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Pity, you can`t see me.Splendid!We can´t see you
2 x 142 x 151 cm
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2 x 102 x 130 cm
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Higher society
2 x 110 x 125 cm
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One more portrait / dream
2 x 90 x 120 cm
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